Wednesday 13 March 2013

Beauty products *winks* : Ag-Factor Review

So, I've been consuming Ag-Factor for on and off 4 months. I've bought the 3 months supply and now left 1 bottle on my dressing table. Ag-Factor, the most sought online brand for whitening, detox and so on and on, true? It was so hard to find reviews on this product so I decided to write something special for my first blog post. Hahaha.

It's kinda weird as I still cant manipulate most of the functions here yet. How the heck do I make beautiful themes or etc.

Okay, back to topic. 

Firstly, some of you may wonder what is Ag-Factor?

 Ag-Factor™ is great for anyone with a dull complexion, uneven skin tone, wrinkles and sensitive skin. It will help brighten your skin to a radiant glow and leave it, smoother and firmer. You‘ll see results within 2-3 weeks, with best result after 3 months. Ag-Factor™ is not only good for your skin, it also helps detox your liver and other major organs as well as help boost your immune system. An improved immune system helps body function. ( Taken from Ag-Factor's website)

The advertisements can be seen on 99% skincare webpages. 

So, I have major dark eye circles( hereditary) , which are impossible to be cured. Don't ask me to sleep more etc, it doesn't help.

I've already consumed 2 and a quarter of this product yet it doesn't even have any effects. Not even help lighten skin tone or even out dark patches. Nothing at all.

There are actually limited reviews, maybe mostly bad reviews or comments on Ag-Factor facebook page are deleted, just MAYBE. But I've seen Dr.Hasanah's blog, she also states that nothing special or whitening actually did take place. Instead, ulcers and some pimples pop out.

I have dull skin, not dark skin. Just yellowish dull, which I don't like. I wish I could have snow white skin and rosy cheeks. With no dark circles at all. Sobs.

I posted a comment on Ag-Factor's Facebook page and this is the conversation:

Me: Hi, I consumed 3 bottles already. Yet, My dark circles are still here. Same serious. Skin doesn't even whiten, I myself feel the Same. My friends or family Don't even complimented me, Which strengthen My suspicion whether this product works or not. I followed all the instructions. My skin still pale yellow n dull. Dark patches or anything still Same. No lighten no Nothing no effect. Is there. Any compensation??

Ag Factor: We do not practise refund or money back guaranteed for Praventac. Different customer have different body types and the duration of effect varies too, among different customers. Apart from relying on Ag-Factor, a healthy lifestyle contributes to healthier skin too. We would recommend for you to browse through the feedbacks and comments on our Ag-Factor Facebook's page to see that some customer takes more than 3 months to see results. We have customer who have been supporting us for 2 years continuously. You may enquire with those who have seen the difference in our product to clear your doubts on our product.

Plus this is a health supplement which will not being harm to your kidney and liver whereby you can hardly find it in the market nowadays. Customers tends to trial and error on products available, where some just gives up halfway without allowing sufficient time for the product to show results. 

90% of our satisfied customers gave positive feedback on the wonders our product has made to their skin. Although there are 10% of them that sees little improvement, as it took them longer time to see results. As AG-Factor is not only good for your skin, but it builds up your immune system, promote good sleep and detox blood in your liver as well. 

Therefore, we sincerely hope that you do not give up on our product just yet. Give us more time, as good products need time to see results. With the variety of products available in the market, different customer may have different level of satisfaction and results shown. To find a product that has zero side effects in the market nowadays is not easy.

However, in the long run. This Ag-Factor may be burning a hole in my pocket. 

So, I'm currently trying out the Lennox Firm-up Collagen Drink( old version).

Will write out a review on it after 2 weeks. Teheeee. It's my 5th day today !